Saturday, March 19, 2011

27. the gentleman returns

i know, i've been super awful this month at blogging. BUT i have an excuse, so please don't throw things at me! because i promise i am still on my quest to become a gentleman.

i've been reaaaaalllllyyyyy busy these past few weeks putting up a new show, and now that we've finally started doing shows, i'm getting a little bit of my time back. which means i can focus on more than waking up, going to work, coming home, walking the dog and going to bed.

so what have i been doing with the little bit of free time i have between shows?! besides wedding planning GALORE i've been going to the gym. well, at least for the past three days so far. but still, let's be completely honest. the last time i went to the gym was my junior year of college when i went to the wellness center all of two times with friends who were on a fitness kick. that was the last time i stepped foot in a gym.

so i've been taking advantage of the local gym on my down time. and i have to say, i love it. which totally surprises me, because that's so not something i ever expected to hear myself admit. but there's just something that feels so good about finishing an hour of cardio. and a gentleman takes care of himself. both inside and out. and since i've focused basically my entire life on working on my insides, it's time i suck up the gut and start working on these outsides of mine.

some of the cast feel the same way that i do, so we've started this little gym club, going when we have a few hours to kill. and it's been so great having people to go with, because even though we do our own thing, it's nice to have someone to go along with.

so that's what i'm focusing on now. getting my exercise routine together. among other things, but i'm really going to take advantage of the time i have here and the resources around me. because, let's be real, daddy isn't getting any younger and it's time i start taking care of myself for the future.

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